SEND provision at Hursthead Juniors

At Hursthead Juniors , our aim is to include all children positively and supportively in order for them to achieve the best outcomes from their primary education. We want everyone to feel that they belong to the school; to believe in themselves and become well-rounded individuals who achieve their best for their community.

To do this the school work in close partnership with parents, carers and your child themselves. We have an open-door policy in school in which any adult can raise concerns around a child’s progress academically, socially or emotionally.  Through regular discussion and close monitoring, we can ensure effective support is provided. This sometimes includes involvement or guidance from outside agencies/professionals.

At Hursthead we believe in holistically supporting each child as an individual, therefore support provided can often look different for each child. The school follows a graduated response to SEND support as part of the Assess, plan, do, review cycle recommended in the SEND code of Practice (2014). The SEND graduated response triangle below details the different levels and types of SEND support which are provided at Hursthead.